
Are you loo­king for an inter­pre­ter?
You’ve come to the right place.

ber­lin-com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is a net­work of four pro­fes­sio­nal, qua­li­fied inter­pre­ters who have been working free­lan­ce in this field for 20 years. We work as inter­pre­ters and trans­la­tors for English, French and German in Germany and inter­na­tio­nal­ly. Our expe­ri­ence, com­pe­tence, orga­ni­sa­tio­nal and inter­cul­tu­ral exper­ti­se will ensu­re the suc­cess of your con­fe­rence, sym­po­si­um, mee­ting, trai­ning ses­si­on, trade fair, dele­ga­ti­on or mar­ket research.

Marsalie Turner

Maike Grabowski

Gwenola Walka-Steiner

Michelle Effer

Service from a single source. We can:


Put tog­e­ther com­pe­tent inter­pre­ting teams


Provide infor­ma­ti­on on the various types of inter­pre­ting (simul­ta­neous, remo­te, consecutive.)


Advise you on the con­fe­rence orga­ni­sa­ti­on and the sel­ec­tion of the neces­sa­ry con­fe­rence equip­ment. Upon request we can also arran­ge for the equip­ment (inter­pre­ters’ booth, PA sys­tem, micro­pho­nes etc.) to be provided.

Service from a single source. We can:


Put tog­e­ther com­pe­tent inter­pre­ting teams


Provide infor­ma­ti­on on the various types of inter­pre­ting (simul­ta­neous, remo­te, consecutive.)


Advise you on the con­fe­rence orga­ni­sa­ti­on and the sel­ec­tion of the neces­sa­ry con­fe­rence equip­ment. Upon request we can also arran­ge for the equip­ment (inter­pre­ters’ booth, PA sys­tem, micro­pho­nes etc.) to be provided.

Interpreters com­mu­ni­ca­te bet­ween lan­guages and cul­tures, buil­ding a bridge bet­ween spea­k­ers and lis­ten­ers of dif­fe­rent languages.

The more pro­fes­sio­nal and skil­led the inter­pre­ters, the more suc­cessful your mul­ti­l­in­gu­al event will be. We pri­de our­sel­ves on lin­gu­i­stic excel­lence, pro­ven inter­pre­ting skills, dis­cre­ti­on und dedi­ca­ti­on at all times — becau­se cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion is ever­y­thing to us!

ber­lin-com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is spe­cia­li­sed in the mar­ket for English, French and German lan­guage ser­vices, but should you requi­re ano­ther lan­guage we will be hap­py to refer you to com­pe­tent col­le­agues working with other languages.

Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Dresden, Cologne, Munich, Stuttgart, Potsdam … whe­re­ver you requi­re an inter­pre­ter — we can come to your event!

For a non-binding offer
please contact:

* Aus Gründen der Übersichtlichkeit ver­zich­ten wir auf unse­rer Website bewusst auf die Unterscheidung zwi­schen Konferenzdolmetscher/innen, Simultandolmetscher/innen, Simultanübersetzer/inne und Konsekutivdolmetscher/innen, die sich unter ande­rem aus den Dolmetschmodi simul­tan, kon­se­ku­tiv, flüstern/chuchotage, Remote, Ferndolmetschen, Onlinedolmetschen ergibt.