Are you looking for an interpreter?
You’ve come to the right place.
berlin-communication is a network of four professional, qualified interpreters who have been working freelance in this field for 20 years. We work as interpreters and translators for English, French and German in Germany and internationally. Our experience, competence, organisational and intercultural expertise will ensure the success of your conference, symposium, meeting, training session, trade fair, delegation or market research.
Marsalie Turner
Maike Grabowski
Gwenola Walka-Steiner
Michelle Effer
Service from a single source. We can:
Put together competent interpreting teams
Provide information on the various types of interpreting (simultaneous, remote, consecutive.)
Advise you on the conference organisation and the selection of the necessary conference equipment. Upon request we can also arrange for the equipment (interpreters’ booth, PA system, microphones etc.) to be provided.
Service from a single source. We can:
Put together competent interpreting teams
Provide information on the various types of interpreting (simultaneous, remote, consecutive.)
Advise you on the conference organisation and the selection of the necessary conference equipment. Upon request we can also arrange for the equipment (interpreters’ booth, PA system, microphones etc.) to be provided.
Interpreters communicate between languages and cultures, building a bridge between speakers and listeners of different languages.
The more professional and skilled the interpreters, the more successful your multilingual event will be. We pride ourselves on linguistic excellence, proven interpreting skills, discretion und dedication at all times — because customer satisfaction is everything to us!
berlin-communication is specialised in the market for English, French and German language services, but should you require another language we will be happy to refer you to competent colleagues working with other languages.
Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Dresden, Cologne, Munich, Stuttgart, Potsdam … wherever you require an interpreter — we can come to your event!
For a non-binding offer
please contact:
* Aus Gründen der Übersichtlichkeit verzichten wir auf unserer Website bewusst auf die Unterscheidung zwischen Konferenzdolmetscher/innen, Simultandolmetscher/innen, Simultanübersetzer/inne und Konsekutivdolmetscher/innen, die sich unter anderem aus den Dolmetschmodi simultan, konsekutiv, flüstern/chuchotage, Remote, Ferndolmetschen, Onlinedolmetschen ergibt.